Spoken Soul Festival: A Model SWAN Day Event

In This Issue

Spotlight on Florida Spoken Soul & Deborah Magdalena
110 Events and Counting – There’s Still Time to Join Us!
Ask Your Mayor for a SWAN Day Proclamation
Want To Be Featured in this Newsletter? Post Your Event!
Statements About SWAN Day to Print or Read at Events
Be a Part of SWAN Day on YouTube, Flickr or Your Blog
A SWAN Day Checklist

From the
SWAN Day Map

Photo of Deborah Magdalena

Deborah Magdalena
Spoken Word Artist

Deborah Magdalena is organizing the Spoken Soul Festival in Miami. 

Read An Interview
with Deborah

To read an interview with Deborah,
please click here>>

Watch the Video

Michelle Massanet of Garnet Productions created a TV ad for the Spoken Soul Festival. To watch the video,
please click here>>

Check Out Their Poster

Spoken Soul Festival Poster

Poster by Ivette Ortiz

Click here to see a larger version of this poster>>


To visit Spoken Soul’s MySpace page,
please click here>>

Do You Have A SWAN Day Video?

If you have a SWAN Day video or photo that you would like to share with our readers, please send us the link!

Publicity Tools

Adaptable Poster

Add your event information to our new adaptable posters!

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Visit the SWAN Store

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Spotlight on Florida Spoken Soul!

Deborah Magdalena is organizing her second SWAN Day event this year, an ambitious three-day Spoken Soul Festival in Miami, Florida. We interviewed her last week and share some of her insights below.  You can read the full interview at: Deborah Magdalena Interview

Increasing Popular Demand for Spoken Word –  Deborah was looking for ways to increase the audience for spoken word in her area, and SWAN Day seemed like a perfect opportunity.  She decided to assemble musicians, visual artists, and craftswomen in addition to spoken word artists, so that all of them could share their creations with the community.  The strategy worked – last year’s Spoken Soul Festival drew a large crowd and helped the artists sell their work and book future gigs. In response to increased popular demand, this year’s showcase has grown into a three-day festival that will start with a conference for teens about careers in the arts and end with a brunch in honor of women artists.

Building Excitement with a TV Ad and Poster – To generate even more excitement, Deborah recruited filmmaker Michelle Massenet of Garnet Productions to create the television ad below. Hover your mouse over the box below to see the “Play” button:

Final Swan PSA from Garnet Productions on Vimeo.

(If you can’t see the ad, please visit: www.vimeo.com/3546571)

Ivette Ortiz created a beautiful poster for the event which you can see by clicking here>>

Finding Inspiration – Like many other SWAN Day organizers, Deborah Magdalena and the other artists in the Spoken Soul collective have been inspired by President Obama’s call for community action, and they are convinced that women artists have a vital role to play in shaping our future.

Building Community – As an example of their community building spirit, the Spoken Soul Showcase is partnering with ASPIRA of Florida, a non-profit organization that has been working since 1961 to develop the educational and leadership potential of Hispanic youth.  A panel will meet with young women to talk about pursuing careers in the arts and the healing power of art.  By building bridges with organizations like ASPIRA, Magdalena is making sure that the young women in her community learn how to use the arts to help them “dream big.”

Read the Full Interview – To find out more about Deborah Magdalena’s experiences organizing the Spoken Soul Showcase and the women who inspire her, you can read the full interview here.

110 Events and Counting – There’s Still Time to Join Us!

As of today, there are 110 events on the SWAN Day 2009 Map*. There are events all over the U.S. as well as in Kenya, Quebec, Berlin, Argentina, Jamaica, and Shanghai.  If you want to join the fun, there’s still time!

Post Your Event – Just go to our Post Your Event page and follow the instructions there. Your event can be a party or any arts activity that celebrates women artists. Your event can be public or private invitation-only.

Tell Others to Post – If you know of other events featuring women artists during March, tell the organizers that they can post their events also.

Find An Event to Join – Don’t have time to organize your own event? Many groups are still looking for collaborators. If you do a search on the SWAN Day Map* by your zip code, it will show you any SWAN Day events within a 50 mile radius.  The ones that are looking for collaborators are marked with a statement in red.  If you open the event listing, you will be able to click on a link to contact the host.

Ask Your Mayor for a SWAN Day Proclamation

It’s Easy – A proclamation is a great way to increase public awareness surrounding SWAN Day, your organization, and the need to support women artists in your community.  They are surprisingly easy to obtain, and we have provided general instructions and a model proclamation for you in the Publicity Tools section of our SWAN Day website here.

Proclamations are considered a ceremonial document, and are provided as a public service by the Mayor’s Office.  Each city handles this service in a slightly different way.  The best approach is to contact the Mayor’s office in your city and ask them what steps to take.  Usually there is a standard application form.

Create Your Own Photo Op – After you have obtained a proclamation, we suggest that you use it to create photo opportunities with the Mayor, or any other V.I.P.’s who might attend your event.

Statements About SWAN Day
To Print In Programs or Read At Your Event

Many of you have asked for statements about SWAN Day to read at your event or to print in your programs.  We have created a new item on our Publicity Tools page with statements for you to use.  There is a special greeting from Martha Richards, a short statement that gives background information about SWAN Day, and a slightly longer background statement.  To check them out, click here.

Want to Be Featured In This Newsletter?

Post Your SWAN Day Event, Photos, and Videos!

In the coming months we will be featuring interviews with other artists who have organized SWAN Day events.  If you would like to be covered, please be sure to post your event on the SWAN Day Map, and send us links to your SWAN Day photos and videos.

Once you have posted your event, you can upload your pictures and videos. Just go to the SWAN Day Map*, and click on “Manage Your Event”, then click on “Edit Your Event.” From the bottom of the editing page, you can upload pictures and videos in the “Edit Attachments” section.  (Note: You will need to create a password the first time you use the “Manage Your Event” feature.)

Need Help With Your SWAN Day Event?

If you have difficulty with the SWAN Day Map or any of the other online functions of the SWAN Day website, please contact us and we will be happy to walk you through it over the phone!

Our Associate Director Julie Forbes is available to help you brainstorm about your event, help you use the tools on the on the SWAN Day website, and maximize your publicity and fundraising efforts. If you need help or advice about your SWAN Day event, please email her at info@SwanDay.org with the words “SWAN Day Event” in the subject line.  If you would like to speak to her, be sure to include your phone number or Skype number in the email, and she will do her best to get back to you.

Be A Part of SWAN Day On YouTube, Flickr or Your Blog!

You can be a part of SWAN Day online by posting videos on YouTube.com, photos on Flickr.com, or special SWAN Day messages on your blog.  We will post links to our favorites in upcoming newsletters.  Note: We especially love videos or photos where there is a swan in the picture!!

Share Your Stories on YouTube: Like to make videos?  Post a one to five minute piece on YouTube about your favorite woman artist and why she inspires you.  Ask your friends and family too. Interview one person or interview a dozen. Do it now or do it on SWAN Day. Post them on YouTube with the tag “SwanDay2009” and send us an email to tell us about it.  We will post links to our favorites in upcoming newsletters.

For inspiration, check out Sandra Oh’s SWAN Day 2008 video on YouTube which has had over 5,200 viewers.

Post Photos on Flickr – Post photos of the women artists in your community on Flickr.com with the tag “SwanDay2009”.  Write to us if you have a story to share about them.

Talk about SWAN Day on Your Blog –  Please feel free to quote from our newsletters or website in your blog – just be sure to credit Support Women Artists Now Day (www.SwanDay.org) as the source.  You can also send us an email or give us a call if you want information for a SWAN Day story. Help us get the word out to other women artists and art supporters. Use the power of your blog to promote women artists!

Put a SWAN Day Web Button on Your Website or Blog – To download the button, please click here>>

A SWAN Day Checklist

  • Enter your event on the SWAN Day Map*. If you know of other events featuring women artists during March, tell the organizers that they can post their events on the SWAN Day Map too.
  • Download our posters that you can customize for your event. Either print them out on your printer or send them to a print shop for duplication. You can download our posters at: www.womenarts.org/swan/publicity/postersignup.htm  [Note: this is not the link to the 2009 poster; it no longer exists.]
  • Get people to wear SWAN Day buttons or shirts and talk up the importance of women artists with their friends. Shirts, mugs, buttons and hats are available at www.cafepress.com/swanday.
  • Include information about SWAN Day and the importance of supporting women artists in the programs for your events.
  • Make an announcement at your event that women all over the world are celebrating with you on SWAN Day.

SWAN Day 2009 is made possible by generous grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Starry Night Fund of the Tides Foundation, and the Leo S. Guthman Fund, and by gifts of time, energy and money from artists and arts supporters around the world.