Watch the YouTube Video
of Catherine Aselford &
The sixth annual SWAN Day DC, produced by the Guillotine Theatre (formerly the Georgetown Theatre Company), will feature six hours of free performances this Saturday.
The festival will start at noon with a 3-hour Staged Reading Marathon of twelve 10-minute plays by women playwrights from all over the U.S. These plays have been culled from the best of the past five DC SWAN Days.
The marathon will be held in the beautiful National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC (Please note that the event is free, but there is a small admission charge for the Museum.)
From 4 – 7 p.m. SWAN Day DC will feature poetry readings by 13 women poets, a dance performance by Nancy Havlik’s Dance Performance Group, performance artist Annetta Dexter Sawyer, and storyteller Ellouise Schoettler performing “Pushing Boundaries,” a story of a 1950’s housewife who morphs into an Equal Rights Amendment activist. This part of the program will be at Grace Church, 1041 Wisconsin Avenue in the Georgetown section of Washington, DC.
The video from SWAN Day DC 2010 will give you an idea of what these festivals are like. The video shows excerpts of the performances, and features SWAN organizer Catherine Aselford discussing the purposes of the event. The video also makes excellent use of the SWAN Day logos and posters that you can download for free from the WomenArts website.
For more details about SWAN Day DC, please visit the Guillotine Theatre website.