Statera Women Meet WomenArts Challenge!
WomenArts is pleased to announce that the women of the Statera Foundation have raised $25,000 to match their WomenArts Challenge Grant. Congratulations to Executive Director, Melinda Pfundstein and the entire Statera team – and thanks so much to all of you who helped them reach their goal!
They now have $50,000 in hand to use towards the expenses of Support Women Artists Now Day/SWAN Day 2019 and to expand their exciting mentorship program.
PLEASE NOTE: The SWAN Day Calendar has moved to the Statera Foundation website. Please be sure to post any new SWAN events on the Statera SWAN Calendar.
SWAN Organizers Will Gather in Milwaukee At Statera’s Third National Conference
As part of the transition of Support Women Artists Now Day/SWAN Day from WomenArts to the Statera Foundation, WomenArts is sponsoring a gathering of key SWAN organizers on Thursday, October 4, 2018 as part of the Statera Foundation’s Third National Conference for women in theatre in Milwaukee, WI from October 4 – 7.
WomenArts Executive Director Martha Richards will facilitate a discussion with leading SWAN organizers from New York, Connecticut, Florida, California, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Kenya, and the Czech Republic.
Although these organizers have often corresponded online over the past eleven years, this will be the first time that they have met each other face-to-face. The goals of this historic gathering will be to share best practices and to find ways to increase the impact of SWAN Day. Richards will also moderate a panel discussion about SWAN Day as part of the main Statera conference on Friday, October 5.
Statera Foundation’s Conference Focuses on Intersectional Gender Parity
In addition to its partnership with WomenArts, Statera is collaborating on this year’s conference with Milwaukee’s Renaissance Theaterworks, a company dedicated to promoting the work of women onstage and off.

Simeilia Hodge-Dallaway, CEO of Artistic Directors of the Future, will give a keynote at the Statera Foundation Conference
There will be a terrific line-up of speakers who will help the attendees reflect on the ways gender parity intersects with other forms of oppression such as stereotypes about race, non-binary genders, body images, and motherhood. There will also be presentations on topics such as being a solo performance artist, emotional well-being for artist/change-makers, and organizing women’s theatre festivals.
The registration fee of $225 will give you full access to four days of programming including touchstone addresses, plenaries, workshops, breakout sessions, panel discussions, performances, admission to organized social gatherings, a conference swag bag, communal breakfasts, wine and appetizer receptions, and access to a special StateraConIII Connect Facebook Page just for attendees.
You can read more about the conference schedule and obtain information about registering at: The registration deadline is September 15, 2018.
Register by September 15 for the
Statera Foundation Conference>>
About SWAN Day 2019
The official date for SWAN Day 2019 is Saturday, March 30, 2019, but please feel free to celebrate any time during during March or April. The spirit of SWAN events is more important than the exact dates.
Are you hosting or organizing a 2019 SWAN Day event? Make sure you submit it to the Statera SWAN Day Calendar!
Do you have questions about SWAN Day? Reach out to Statera Foundation directly at