The Second International SWAN Day is Off and Running!

In the February Issue

The Second International SWAN Day is Off and Running

How to Post a SWAN Day Event

How to Find SWAN Day Events and Collaborators

Be a Part of SWAN Day on YouTube, Flickr or Your Blog

A Mini Checklist for SWAN Day

Final Thoughts – Helping Your Sister Artists

From the
SWAN Day Map

Photo of Emily Beattie

Emily Beattie
Photo by Jeff Lieberman

Emily Beattie is organizing a 3 day SWAN festival in Cambridge, MA. You can read all about it on our SWAN Day Map>>

Welcome to Our New
Associate Director

Photo of Julie Forbes

Julie Forbes

Julie Forbes will be helping SWAN Day organizers this year.

To read her full bio, please click here>>

New This Month

Adaptable Poster

Add your event information to our new adaptable posters!

To check them
Please click here>>

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Visit the SWAN Store

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The Second International SWAN Day is Off and Running

We are thrilled that SWAN Day 2009 is building momentum! Last year the first International SWAN Day was celebrated in March 2008 with 160 events across the U.S. and in 10 other countries on 4 continents. This year we are hearing from women all over the world as they make plans and organize events.

An animated film festival, plays, dance performances, concerts, film screenings, prose and poetry readings, storytelling, and house parties are being listed at as part of this growing international celebration of women artists on March 28, 2009 and the surrounding weeks.

No event is too small or too large to be part of SWAN Day. If you are an artist or an art supporter looking for ways to participate, check out our new brainstorming list at

Also, we are delighted to introduce our new Associate Director, Julie Forbes, who is working with SWAN Day event organizers this year.

Julie brings over 20 years of experience in both the non-profit and for profit sectors. She is skilled at developing programs and organizations, and she has a strong interest in coaching and training women as leaders.

Julie is available to help you brainstorm about your event, help you use the tools on the on the SWAN Day website, and maximize your publicity and fundraising efforts. If you need help or advice about your SWAN Day event, please email her at with the words “SWAN Day Event” in the subject line.  If you would like to speak to her, be sure to include your phone number or Skype number in the email, and she will do her best to get back to you.

How to Post a SWAN Day Event

[Note: this process has changed; please click here for information about how to participate. Also, the SWAN Day Map no longer exists.]

Many of you have not yet had a chance to list your event on our SWAN Day Map.  Please take a couple of minutes to do so. It’s quick, it’s easy and it helps other artists, potential collaborators, and art supporters find you! (The staff also loves to watch the little green dots multiply on the SWAN Day Map!)  Here is a step by step guide to posting your event:

Step 1 – Go to the SWAN Day home page at:

Step 2 – On the left side of the page, click on the button that says Host A SWAN Event which will take you to

Step 3 – Enter your information on the Host A SWAN Event page.  You can indicate whether your event is public or private and whether you are seeking collaborators when you fill in the form. Then just click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Voila! The world has access to your event!

Managing Your Event – Once you have posted your event, you will see a tab at the top of the page that says “Manage Your Event.” From the “Manage Your Event” page, you will be able to post pictures or other attachments to your event page, invite your friends to your event, track RSVP’s, and post announcements and reports on the event including photos and videos. You will need to create a password the first time you access these event management features.

International Events – All organizers including international organizers can list, host and manage their events from the SWAN Day website. However, the international events appear in a list instead of on a map. We’re looking forward to new technology that will allow us to map our international events sometime in the future. Please write to us at if you need help creating your listing in English.

How to Find SWAN Day Events or Collaborators

If you are looking for SWAN Day Events or want to find people who are looking for collaborators, you can go to the SWAN Day Home Page at and click on the button in the left margin that says Search for SWAN Events or you can go directly to the search page by clicking here.   You can search for events within a 30 mile radius of your zip code or by state. [Note: Now you can search by a wide variety of criteria, but Zip Code is not one of them.]

If you want to find people who are looking for collaborators for their events, click on “Seeking Collaborators” in the drop down menu next to the word “Collaboration” on the Search for SWAN Events page.  You can click on this link for International Events to see the list of international events.

If you have difficulty with the SWAN Day Map or any of the other online functions of the SWAN Day website, please contact us and we will be happy to walk you through it over the phone!


Be A Part of SWAN Day On YouTube, Flickr or Your Blog!

You can be a part of SWAN Day online by posting videos on, photos on, or special SWAN Day messages on your blog.  We will post links to our favorites in upcoming newsletters.  Note: We especially love videos or photos where there is a swan in the picture!!

Share Your Stories on YouTube: Like to make videos?  Post a one to five minute piece on YouTube about your favorite woman artist and why she inspires you.  Ask your friends and family too. Interview one person or interview a dozen. Do it now or do it on SWAN Day. Post them on YouTube with the tag “SwanDay2009” and send us an email to tell us about it.  We will post links to our favorites in upcoming newsletters.

For inspiration, check out Sandra Oh’s SWAN Day 2008 video on YouTube which has had over 5,200 viewers.

Post Photos on Flickr – Post photos of the women artists in your community on with the tag “SwanDay2009”.  Write to us if you have a story to share about them.

Talk about SWAN Day on Your Blog –  Please feel free to quote from our newsletters or website in your blog – just be sure to credit Support Women Artists Now Day ( as the source.  You can also send us an email or give us a call if you want information for a SWAN Day story. Help us get the word out to other women artists and art supporters. Use the power of your blog to promote women artists!

Put a SWAN Day Web Button on Your Website or Blog – To download the button, please click here>> [Note: Web button no longer exists.]

A Mini Checklist for SWAN Day

  • Enter your event on the SWAN Day Map. If you know of other events featuring women artists during March, tell the organizers that they can post their events on the SWAN Day Map too.
  • Send out a press release about SWAN Day and/or the proclamation and try to get it in your local paper or on TV so that more people in your community will be aware of the contributions of women artists.  See sample releases here.
  • Download our posters and postcards that you can customize for your event. Either print them out on your printer or send them to a print shop for duplication. You can download our poster and postcard design here.
  • Include information about SWAN Day and the importance of supporting women artists in the programs for your events.
  • Get people to wear SWAN Day buttons or shirts and talk up the importance of women artists with their friends. Shirts, mugs, buttons and hats are available at
  • Make an announcement at your event that women all over the world are celebrating with you on SWAN Day.
  • Get people to sign up for our e-newsletters at so that we can keep them informed about issues related to women and the arts.

Final Thoughts – Helping Your Sister Artists

The goal of SWAN Day is to inspire the world with women’s creativity. In these challenging economic times many women artists are having to be very creative about money. We urge you to think about ways that you can help them.

Last year, a group of women in Bisbee, Arizona used their SWAN Day event to raise funds to send a young woman to art school. Whether you organize a full-scale fundraiser or just pass the hat at your event, think about giving part of the proceeds to women artists in need in your community or elsewhere in the world. Gifts of every size make a difference in these tough times.

SWAN Day 2009 is made possible by generous grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Starry Night Fund of the Tides Foundation, and the Leo S. Guthman Fund, and by gifts of time, energy and money from artists and arts supporters around the world.

Please feel free to reprint any portion of this newsletter, but please give credit to The Fund for Women Artists. (© 2009) This newsletter was originally published on February 12, 2009.