Bay Area Women’s Theatre Festival Launches March 2

WomenArts is a proud supporter of the Bay Area Women’s Theatre Festival, a thrilling collaboration of 40 of the best theatre companies in the San Francisco Bay Area. A producing team […]
WomenArts is a proud supporter of the Bay Area Women’s Theatre Festival, a thrilling collaboration of 40 of the best theatre companies in the San Francisco Bay Area. A producing team […]
A Special Note from Martha Richards, Executive Director of WomenArts – Since I am turning 70 this week, I have been thinking a lot about the values and people that […]
WomenArts has just released Valerie Weak’s latest report, STILL NOT EVEN: A Gender Analysis of 600 San Francisco/Bay Area Theatrical Productions 2014-2018 from The Counting Actors Project. Weak’s findings are summarized in the […]
Special Guest Blog by Amelia Parenteau. Elizabeth Vega is an “artivist” – an artist and activist who understands that art is its own form of powerful resistance. She has dedicated […]
Dear Santa, First of all, thanks so much for all that you do for the world. It is wonderful to have an international leader who is such an inspiring symbol […]
We hope you are enjoying the holiday season, and we wanted to remind you that Support Women Artists Now Day/SWAN Day is only a few months away. We hope you will […]
Since this is my birthday week, I have been taking some time to reflect on my past. As usual, I feel blessed that I have been able to work with […]
WomenArts is sponsoring an historic gathering of key SWAN organizers as part of the Statera Foundation’s Third National Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from October 4 – 7.
Hurray for the Statera Foundation team! They have already raised over $17,300 to meet the match for their $25,000 Challenge Grant from WomenArts!! Please help them if you can!
Executive Director Martha Richards announces that WomenArts has chosen Statera Foundation to lead SWAN Day 2019 and has given them a $25,000 Challenge Grant.
WomenArts is proud to announce that Sarah Moore won 1st Prize in the 2018 SWAN Day Song Contest. Toya Alexander won 2nd. Lisa Brigantino and Sari Miller & Jesse Ritter tied for 3rd.
Thanks to everyone who submitted photos for the SWAN Day 2018 Photo Contest. Annick Duvivier won 1st Place, Mandi Martini won 2nd, and Billie Quijano & Sylvia Binsfield tied for 3rd.
As usual, we were blown away by the amazing creativity and diversity of SWAN artists. We loved seeing the photos of your events and wanted to share some of our favorites.
Colectivo Moriviví creates public art that advocates for social justice. They have developed a community-based method to create murals that address domestic violence, racism, and other social issues.
Frances McDormand ended her Oscar acceptance speech with a call for more “inclusion riders” in Hollywood contracts as a way of increasing intersectional gender parity in films.