Women Artist Directories

A Celebration of Women Writers

Enormous list of writers, some annotated, some with links.
Website: digital.library.upenn.edu/women

Art in Context

Cross-references visual artists with gallery and museum information. Displays images. Searchable by nationality, period, discipline, and other criteria.
Website: www.artincontext.com

Asian American Women Artists Association

San Francisco Bay Area organization that lists visual artist members alphabetically, with a page for each.
Website: www.aawaaart.com

Crossing the Threshold

Celebrating the strength and resolve of thirty-two women artists, ranging in age from 70 to 95 years, who have persevered throughout the twentieth century and created a visual legacy for the future millennia.
Website: www.albany.edu/museum/wwwmuseum/crossing/crossing.htm

Daughters of the Dust

Julie Dash’s web site listing African-American women filmmakers who have influenced her, the Black Women Filmmakers: Annotated Bibliography and Webliography seems to be offline, but here is some information about her:
About Julia Dash and Daughters of the Dust

The Feminist Art Project

An international collaborative initiative celebrating the Feminist Art Movement and the aesthetic, intellectual and political impact of women in the visual arts, art history, and art practice, past and present.  Based at Rutgers University, they host an online calendar of feminist art events, and they have links to many other resources.
Website:  feministartproject.rutgers.edu/

International Centre for Women Playwrights

Lists some of their members, alphabetically, with links to web sites or other contact information. Website: www.womenplaywrights.org

IRIS International Centre of Women in Photography

Alphabetical registry of women photographers, with imagery and resumes.
Website: http://www.irisphoto.org/

The National Museum of Women in the Arts

Extensive website with two databases:

The Archives on Women Artists
Includes over 18,000 research files on women artists from all time periods and nationalities, including artists’ resumes, correspondence, exhibition catalogues, reproductions, and reviews.
Website: http://www.nmwa.org/library/archives.asp

Interactive database with biographical information about over 18,000 women visual artists from all time periods and nationalities.
Website: http://www.nmwa.org/clara

Native American Women Playwrights Archive

Each playwright’s page lists her plays in NAWPA’s archive, other works, and contact information.
Website: http://staff.lib.muohio.edu/nawpa/

North American Women’s Drama

A for-sale on-line database of 1,500 plays by women, extensively indexed, published by Alexander Street.
Website: www.alexanderstreetpress.com/products/wodr.htm

Playwrights on the Web

An alphabetical listing of women and men that is not searchable in other ways. Playwrights have one-line descriptions of their work and a link to their site or a contact email. The original website is still available but has been taken over by Theatre-Connect, and is no longer being updated. Theatre-Connect is developing a new database by the same name, available here: http://www.stageplays.com/playwrights_on_the_web.htm

Rainbow Artists

A New Mexico-based, multiracial, multicultural, multigenerational collective organized to support and promote women artists, primarily in the visual arts. The Rainbow Artists collective believes that through support and association, women artists are able to enhance their productivity and creativity.
Website: www.rainbowartists.com

The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum

The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art is an exhibition and education facility dedicated to feminist art—its past, present, and future. It is part of the Brooklyn Museum and it is the permanent home of Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party. They have a Feminist Timeline at: www.brooklynmuseum.org/eascfa/feminist_timeline/ and the Feminist Art Base at www.brooklynmuseum.org/eascfa/feminist_art_base/index.php. The Feminist Art Base is the first online digital archive dedicated solely to feminist art. This ever-growing database offers profiles from some of the most prominent and promising contributors to feminist art from the 1960s to the present. Each profile includes multiple images, video and audio clips, short biographies, CVs, and “Feminist Artist Statements.”


Now evidently no longer in existence, this was a Washington, DC-based group that supported women photographers at every stage in their careers, from students to professionals. The organization held bi-monthly meetings in Bethesda, MD, which included an opportunity for each artist to share her portfolio and receive constructive criticism. Additionally, each artist was given the opportunity of having an online portfolio of her work.

Sisters in Cinema – African American Feature Film Directors

Alphabetical listing, with links to a commercial site where the film is described and for sale on video or DVD.
Website: www.sistersincinema.com/index.html
Also, a timeline of films directed by African American women and a timeline of selected events are links on the Resources page.

Varo Registry – Women Visual Artists

Alphabetical list of visual artists that links to a page with samples of the artist’s work. Some pages have artistic statements and contact information. (Note: some sections of the website appear not to have been updated recently, but the Artists section is working just fine.)
Website: www.varoregistry.com

Voices from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color

A searchable database, primarily but not limited to writers.
Hosted by the University of Minnesota.
Website: voices.cla.umn.edu

Women in Jazz South Florida

Joan Cartwright has compiled the Jazzwomen Directory, which includes biographical information about current and past women in jazz (scroll down the left margin of the page to find the list of links to each singer’s bio).  Also, there is a list of the 260 members of Women in Jazz South Florida (almost all women) with links to each artist’s website.  The organization’s home page is at: http://www.wijsf.org/

Women in Photography International

Alphabetical listing with links to artists’ own web sites.
Website: www.womeninphotography.org/wipihome.html

Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press

Alphabetical list of women’s theatre and art groups.
Website: www.wifp.org/DWM/TheatreArt.html

Women of Color, Women of Words

Site dedicated to African-American women playwrights, with full biographies, play list, production history, a featured play with an excerpt, and an extensive bibliography.
Website: [currently unavailable but hopefully can be updated soon!]

Works by Women (New York)

Works by Women has an excellent blog at worksbywomen.wordpress.com/ with many interviews with women theatre artists.  They also have a list of women theatre artists based in New York (www.worksbywomen.org/women-artists.html ), a list of organizations advocating for women in theatre (www.worksbywomen.org/advocacy.html ) and a list of women’s theatre companies  (www.worksbywomen.org/womens-theatre-companies.html ) in New York.

The World’s Women Online!

An international database originally developed by visual artists at the 1995 Beijing conference. Now lists over 1,000 artists in 64 countries, searchable by artist, country, and medium.
Website: wwol.is.asu.edu/stage.htm