Still Not Even: Current Findings

For the Still Not Even study, a team of volunteers counted the directors, actors and playwrights of 605 shows produced in the nine county San Francisco Bay Area from November 2014 to December 2018.  Analysis of this data has yielded the following key findings:

  1. Still Fewer Jobs for Women –  Women are still given fewer jobs as writers, directors, and actors.
    • Women wrote just over 3 out of 10 shows.
    • Women directed about 4.5 out of every 10 shows.
    • Women received about 4 of every 10 union acting contracts.
  2. Still Fewer High Paying Jobs for Women – Women are still less represented in the highest paying jobs as playwrights and union actors.
  3. Still More Plays With Majority Male Casts – Plays with a majority of male actors are one and a half times more common than plays with a majority of female actors.
  4. Women Still Write More Roles for Women – Women played 56% of roles in plays written by women and 44% of roles in plays written by men.
  5. Though not at parity, women’s representation is:
      • Improving across all areas in terms of overall picture, playwrights by era & highest paying jobs, and
      • Trending upward over time for women playwrights,
      • Increasing for women actors in plays written by male playwrights
  6. Trans/non-binary artists made up no more than 1% of the working artists in any category – actors, directors or writers, and there were no trans/non-binary union actors counted.