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SWAN Day Sofia, live music by Lina Nikol
March 25, 2017 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

SWAN Day/Support Women Artists Now Day, или Международния Ден на Жените в Изкуствата е създаден да отбележи силата и необятните възможности на женската креативност.
Тази година отново София се включва в световните чествания на SWAN Day! Очакваме ви на 25.03. /точната дата на SWAN DAY/ в прекрасния MWAH /Music, Wine and Art House/, за да послушаме кадифения глас на певицата Lina Nikol, и да изпием по чаша вино по случай празника!
SWAN Day/Support Women Artists Now Day is an international holiday designed to showcase the power and diversity of women’s creativity.
The official date for the Tenth International SWAN Day is Saturday, March 25, 2017.
This year Sofia is again a part of the world celebrations of SWAN Day – Support Women in Arts Now Day, the international day of women in arts! We welcome you on 25th March – the exact date of SWAN Day this year in the wonderful MWAH – Music, Wine and Arts House, to listen to the velvet voice of the singer Lina Nikol and have a glass of wine for SWAN Day!
More about Lina Nikol:
Lina Nikol (vocals) and Radoslav Slavchev – Riverman (bass) begin working together in 2014. The love for RnB and Soul music brings them quickly together and they start working on their own original songs as well as developing an acoustic project with interpretations and rearranged versions of cover songs in the style of Pop/Soul/RnB/Funk.