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“Vestiges: The Obama Presidency Remembered” Call For Submissions

September 2, 2016 @ 8:00 am - November 12, 2016 @ 5:00 pm


“Vestiges: The Obama Presidency Remembered”:

(“Vestiges: a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists”)

As the United States prepares to elect its 45th president in the 2016 election cycle, this project invites artists to produce work that responds to the following questions:

How has the Obama presidency?
altered your perceptions of America?

How has the Obama presidency
informed your experiences in America?

What traces of the Obama Presidency will remain?

Project Objective:

We, the Vestiges Core Committee, convened by playwright and educator Nicole Anderson Cobb, PhD, and theater maker Latrelle Bright, will curate the “Vestiges: The Obama Presidency Remembered” project as a performance, exhibit and web-based experience for selected submission in January or February of 2017.

The Vestiges Core Committee Members and panel of selected readers will determine selections. Artists will be contacted via email once the preferred submissions have been selected.

Explanatory Note:

We are open to submissions that praise and question, celebrate and lament, consider “hope” and assess “change”…or fall anywhere between these categories.

Be clear, though:

The call is for work that reflects on
…How the Obama Presidency has impacted YOU…
…How the Obama Presidency has altered YOUR perceptions….
…How the Obama Presidency has informed YOUR lived experiences…

highlight the intersections between the artist and the Obama Presidency.


“Vestiges: The Obama Presidency Remembered” Submission Guidelines

1. Provide The Artist Age Category
Ages 12 and under
Ages 13-18
Ages 19-60
Ages 61 and up

2. Indicate The Artist’s Geographical Location
All applicants can submit work from around the world, but we ask that written works and explanations to accompany visual work must be submitted in English.

3. Indicate The Type of Submissions
A.) LITERARY (poetry, essays, articles, fiction, plays, etc.)
Literary Submissions must be PDF documents of no more than 5,000 words submitted as double-spaced, 12-point font with page numbers and author name on EACH PAGE of text. All written submissions must be submitted electronically.

EMAIL all literary submissions to:


B). PERFORMING (music, dance, video, film, etc.)
All video/film submissions must be suggest 3-4 minute submissions MAXIMUM in length.

C.) VISUAL (photography, painting, sculpture, tapestry, installation work etc.)

Please send visual and/or three-dimensional submissions submission to:

Nicole Anderson Cobb PhD
1717 W. Kirby Avenue
P.O. Box #383
Champaign, IL 61821

4.) AGAIN, For all submissions, please provide the following information:

o Category of Submission – LA for Literary Art; PA for Performing Art; VA for Visual Art
o Name of Artist
o Title of Submission
o Age Category of Artist

Example: VA-Jane Doe-Hope-Vestiges-Category 19-60

5. Terms of Participation Agreed Upon By Submitting Artist(s):

For collaborative projects, it is the responsibility of the submitting artist to get permission from each participant prior to submission.

A.) Only one (1) submission per person or group.

B.) Submissions must not contain any copyrighted (or other legally protected) material.

C.) Artist(s) hereby gives The Vestiges Core Committee the right to use submitted artwork for the following purpose:

1. Archival: inclusion on a web-based platform
2. Marketing: inclusion in marketing and advertising materials for the project
3. Exhibition: inclusion in the culminating installation exhibit “Vestiges: The Obama Presidency Remembered”
4. Performance: inclusion in the final of Vestiges: The Obama Presidency performance event

6. Submission Form To Accompany Your Work

Please submit the form below with your “Vestiges: The Obama Presidency Remembered” creative submission.


Thank you in advance for your submission!

The Vestiges Core Committee 2016-2017



Date of Submission:______________________________

Submitting Artist Name:______________________________________________

Co-Artist Name(s) (if applicable):__________________________________________

Guardian Name (if applicable):


Age Category of Artist:______________________________________________


Category of Submission:_________________________________________

Title of Submission_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Brief Description of Submission (50 word maximum):


Please include your name in the following blank to affirm your agreement to the following terms of participation.

(Type or write your name(s) here) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

hereby gives The Vestiges Core Committee the right to use submitted artwork for the following purpose:
1. Archival: inclusion on a web-based platform
2. Marketing: inclusion in marketing and advertising materials for the project
3. Exhibition: inclusion in the culminating exhibit Vestiges: The Obama Presidency Remembered
4. Performance: inclusion in the final Vestiges: The Obama Presidency performance event
Furthermore, I understand that my submission will not be returned to me.

Thank you in advance for your support of this initiative and we look forward to reviewing your submission.

—The Vestiges Core Committee

For inquiries, contact the Vestiges Core Committee at:
Nicole Anderson Cobb, PhD
1717 W. Kirby Ave.
P.O. Box #383
Champaign, IL 61821

***The image of President Obama is courtesy of IStockphoto.com/Akebi***


September 2, 2016 @ 8:00 am
November 12, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
Event Categories:
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Nicole Anderson Cobb & Latrelle Bright, Vestiges Conveners